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Programming ReactJS
Code samples
Combining functional and snapshot testing: Component - Tests
Snapshot test with mocks, sample data and negative tests: Component - Tests
Reducers tests:
Condensed example: redux_sample_in_one_file.js
Functional Components and Containers examples:
Basic: Functional Component - Container - How to use it
Own Props: Functional Component - Container - How to use it
HOC extending functional component: Functional Component - HOC - Container - How to use it
- API calling with UI on-loading and receiving states:
- Simple API call - Actions - Reducers - Create store - Container.
- See also HOC extending functional component: Functional Component - HOC - Container - How to use it
- API calling with UI on-loading and receiving states:
Library reselect
Using Selectors from state and props and Containers.
Using Router and state selectors with Containers.
Advanced example:
Configuring a Store with Redux Dev Tools and auto-saving to local storage and using it.
Root component and child components with access to Router and Selectors.
Bind history to the router, Create manual history and use it to redirect
Reducer composition and Actions. State using Dictionary Shape and Selectors to convert it into Values Array.
React Portals This is an example for modals. Use of the modal. Add the div in index.html
- React Router changes url params but doesn’t re-mount component: Solution
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