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Deployments Docker
Equilaterus base images
- Asp Core + SQL Server with hot-reloading.
- ReactJS with Router with hot-reloading, dev and production images.
- ReactJS with hot-reloading, dev and production images.
Commonly Used Commands
See PowerShell utils here.
Clean all
docker-compose down
docker system df
docker system prune -a
docker volume ls
docker volume prune
Explore a container
docker ps
$container = Read-Host "Please enter container name:"
docker exec -it $container sh
Run/stop a container with docker compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build
docker-compose stop
Used space
docker system df
To debug the image you can add the following line and connect into it to see its internal state.
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "sleep 2073600"]
Equilaterus (CC-BY) 2018 - 2022.